Summer worker Maiele Mignard, who worked on the metal-ion nuclear spin project as part of the bridges-to-baccalaureate (B2B) program, was featured in the CSU new magazine The Source!
Accepted Manuscript
Congratulations to Cassidy, who recently had a paper accepted into the journal Chemical Science. This paper is the first to study how different substitutional patterns of nuclear spins affect phase-memory relaxation in open-shell metal complexes. The work is an exciting result and will be appearing in print in the coming weeks – stay tuned!
Poster Awards at RMMR Conference!
Congratulations to Cassidy and Spencer, who both got outstanding poster presentation awards at the 60th Annual Rocky Mountain Magnetic Resonance Meeting in Denver this week ( This presentation is given to students who represent the bright future of magnetic resonance. Nice work Spencer and Cassidy!
ACS-PRF Funding Awarded!
The group was selected for financial support by the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, through the Doctoral New Investigator program. This funding will support our efforts to create novel catalysis design strategies that harness the intrinsic magnetism of rare-earth elements. We are grateful for the support, and extremely excited to get moving on this project!
Ph.D. Candidate – Congrats Tyler!
Tyler Ozvat, 2nd year graduate student in the Zadrozny lab, just passed his qualifying exam. Nice job Tyler!

Presentation Award
Congratulations to lab member Cassidy Jackson, who received a “Best Presentation Award” from the 6th Center for Advanced Magnetics Workshop on June 18th, 2019. The workshop was a highly interdisciplinary mix of physicist and chemists. Nice work, Cassidy!
New Paper Accepted!
Tyler and Manny’s paper exploring the role of ligand design on the sensitivity of Cobalt-59 to fluctuations in temperature is now accepted for publication in the journal of Chemical Science. Keep an eye out for its appearance in the coming week!

New Glovebox Delivered!
After much anticipation, our group’s second glove box has finally arrived! With this new glovebox we are excited to expand upon our air-free synthetic techniques intended for a variety of new and continuing projects.

Congratulations, Tyler!
Congratulations to Tyler who was selected as a 2019-2020 Sustainability Leadership Fellow through the School of Global Environmental Sustainability (SoGES). As a fellow of this program, Tyler will participate in many innovative professional development opportunities to complement and expand the sustainability-driven aspects of his research.
School of Global Environmental Sustainability announces 2019-20 Sustainability Leadership Fellows
Summer Fellowships Awarded
Two group members were recently awarded funds to support their summer research. Congratulations to both Cassidy and Spencer, well-deserved!
First, congratulations to Cassidy, who was awarded a CSU PRSE Summer Fellowship. This fellowship will support her work in studying how specific geometric arrangements of nuclear spins impact the properties of metal-based electronic spins. The funding will also support a trip to the MagLab for experiments at the cutting edge of molecular magnetism.
Second, congratulations to undergraduate group member Spencer, who was awarded a CSU Energy Institute Summer Internship. Spencer will spend the summer studying how to control nuclear spin dynamics via synthetic chemistry.